
Crazy Pregnant Woman = Me

So today i had my first moment where i totally felt like the crazy pregnant woman i have been trying so hard not to be. I was running out the door to work and, clumsy me, i tripped on the stairs and crashed. Which wouldn't have been so bad but i'm super paranoid about falling while pregnant... and i was holding an open and 95% full can of soda which spilled all over the house and consequently all over my clothes. So i sat there on the floor and sobbed... sobbed because i fell and was worried about the baby, sobbed because i was embarassed that Brad witnessed the whole thing, and sobbed because i now had to change my work clothes and was going to be late. Luckily my sweet husband stepped in and hugged me, helped me up, and helped my get everything together so i could speed of to work :)

The funny thing is, about two days ago i was bragging to my co-workers about how i'm not an emotional pregnant woman... i guess i had it coming!


Baby Boy

Well... just as i suspected... its a boy. And we couldn't be more thrilled! So far we have come up with a few names that we like but our current favorite is Brigham. I've been busy dreaming up ideas for the nursery and Brad's been busy trying to reign me in ;) I finally found crib bedding that i LOVE...... and then checked out the price tag... $400.00... YIKES! So I decided that i would make my own version because, seriously, cute boys bedding is impossible to find! I found the perfect queen size quilt that i'm going to cut up and turn into a crib quilt and bumper :) I'll post picture when i have the finished product.